Books: Conversations in Colour

  • Project Overview View full size images View thumbnail images
  • Book of original artwork by Michael Adams MBE spanning a career of more than 50 years.

    Michael Adams has dedicated a lifetime to art. This monograph of original paintings attempts to cover a period of 50 years and hopes to share with the reader the sheer breadth and scope of Michael’s
    artistic output.

    Over 400 original paintings, mainly from the Adams personal archive were meticulously catalogued and photographed for this book. Photographs of original works from several private collections
    were generously provided by their owners as well. As such, this is the most complete picture of Michael Adams’s original work from the very beginning of his career to the present day. Naturally,
    this represents only a snapshot of that career with countless originals in the possession
    of individuals, institutions, princes, kings and maharajas alike. And, Michael continues to paint every day.

    Michael Adams has enjoyed international recognition including being awarded an MBE by HM Queen Elizabeth II. He remains the foremost and preeminent artist of the Seychelles, a role which he
    has occupied since moving there in the early 1970s.

    • (preface by Ruben de la Rive Box and Mohammed Ageli)
      • Completed: December 2018
        Editors: Michael Adams, Heather Adams, Rubin de la Rive Box
        Publication design: Design & Practice
        Author and copy editor: Tim Ecott, Paul Theroux, Rubin de la Rive Box, Mohammed Ageli
        Director of publications: Mohammed Ageli (Studio Ageli)
        Printed by: Push Print UK
        Photography: Michele Panzeri